3 more finals and the semester will be done!
So exciting!!!! Next week, we have Accounting(Management I) and Fun. Service Ceremonies. Ugh. Both, in my opinion, to be equally challenging.
I was hoping to add information along the way this semester, such as informational tidbits here and there- I mean, I think that was the whole point of having this blog, right? To share with you the creepily fascinating crap I learn along the way? But man, has it been rough! I went out about 3, maybe 4 times this semester, and when I say 'out' I mean that an opportunity was taken to go outside the house for a function not of or pertaining to escuela. I think it also has to do with the fact that there really is A LOT of info that we learn, I would have been posting at least twice a day!
Hmmmm, what I will do is blog about the tidbits individually in various things as separate posts, that way it is not in one big post.
better get started!