30 January 2012

Of Posts, Old & New

there has been a lot going since i've started this blog. academically, personally, financially and emotionally. you know, life & shit happens. it was my intention to blog all about my academic experiences but sometimes, well - most of the time, it was nearly impossible for me to do so. i know of others who posted on the regular and hurray for them. perhaps i'm not as organized as i had previously believed to be O-o?

in any case, i have a WHOLE bunch of posts from the last semester that are still being edited, like 8 or 11. i'm no html whiz and i'm trying to get it down right (adding pictures, links, etc). all these posts have something to do with my weekly adventures in embalming lab.

well, it's a good thing that i kept all my case reports and i can reference what exactly i did that week. while i won't go into detail of the person themselves (markings, names, or any other personal identifiers) because not only is that ILLEGAL but also just bad form, i will go into detail of procedures that i learned.

these posts will be published over the course of this semester. better late than never? does anybody read this thing, anyhow? eh. at least i have a record for myself and i guess that's all that really counts :)

anyhow, thanks for joining along with me for the ride.

and i promise, there is always room for one more, honey....


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